by Amy Zellmer, Editor-in-chief
Essential oils are complementary tools that can help you achieve a healthy lifestyle. They are easy to use, smell great, and are versatile.
All oils are not created equal. Young Living is the only brand I personally trust because I know they have complete control over their product from seed to seal. Oils sold at health food stores can be misleading. Since the FDA does not regulate them, the labels may say they are 100% therapeutic-grade oils when they are not. You must look closely at the labels. If the ingredients list anything other than the plant stated, or if the label has statements like “For external use only,” “For aromatic use only,” and/or “Dilute properly,” the oil inside that bottle may have been cut with other oils, synthetics, or chemicals.
With wintergreen, helichrysum, clove, and peppermint essential oils, PanAway essential oil blend has a refreshing, invigorating aroma and a cooling sensation when applied to the skin. Apply this synergistic blend after exercising or any time for its soothing, stimulating aroma. Additionally, it helps relieve muscle tension and can create an uplifting mood.
- Combine PanAway with a carrier oil* and use it with massage after physical activity for a cool, stimulating sensation.
- Apply it to your neck and shoulders in the morning for an uplifting, refreshing fragrance.
- Apply it to the bottoms of your feet for a relaxing foot massage.
- Make your own bath salt by adding 10 drops of PanAway to one cup of Epsom salt. Add the mixture to warm bath water and relax in a spa-like atmosphere.
- Rub one drop of PanAway with four drops of carrier oil into temples for an invigorating aroma during times of stress or frustration.
- Dilute one drop with four drops of a carrier oil such as almond, jojoba, avocado, or coconut oil. Be sure it is a food-grade oil for safest use.
For more information on how to use essential oils, visit:
Amy Zellmer is an award winning author, keynote speaker, and TBI survivor and advocate. She is Editor-in-chief of The Brain Health Magazine, and hosts the Faces of TBI podcast series, as well as TBI TV on YouTube.