
botox, brain injury, concussion, headache, migraine,

Is Botox worth the benefit?

by Kelly Harrigan More and more people are turning to Botox for migraine and headache relief. Botox has been popular in the cosmetic arena as the magic wand for wrinkles but, in 2010, following years of clinical research, Botox...

Conquering Education after Brain Injury

Conquering Education after Brain Injury

by Kellie Pokrifka Pursuing education is a deeply personal and individualized matter. The journey of every single student is unique. Following a brain injury, these differences are even more pronounced. Learning to accept your journey without comparison to others...

Is Dysautonomia a Major Factor in Post-Traumatic Headaches?

Is Dysautonomia a Major Factor in Post-Traumatic Headaches?

by Jonathan Chung, D.C. Persistent headaches are arguably the most common problem associated with persistent post-concussion symptoms. While these headaches do look and feel similar to migraine headaches, they have their own classification under the umbrella of post-traumatic headache...

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