Advertise With Us

Our mission is to be a resource for living your best life after brain injury

This bi-monthly magazine has a FREE online digital subscription, as well as a paid printed

subscription. Readership will include brain injury survivors, caregivers, and providers.

Our social media reach is currently over 25,000 and our email reach is 10,000 with over 350 print subscriptions

Advertising Rates:


The directory will be on our website as well as inside the printed and digital magazine. The website will have your logo with a clickable link, the magazine will have your name and website (with a clickable link in the digital version).

Sponsored Content | Advertorial

This is a full-spread article about your company or product and will include photos and a link to your business. It will clearly state that it is “sponsored content” and will be featured inside the magazine as well as on the website’s blog and shared on our social media sites.

Email Marketing

Deliver your message to our email list of 10,000 with a solo email blast, including photos and clickable links.

Display Ads

These will be placed inside the magazine, with the digital version having clickable links. They will also randomly be featured on our social media sites throughout the two-month cycle of the magazine issue (or year-round if you chose 6x option).


Full Page

1/2 Page

1/4 Page

1/8 Page











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