by Sam Black
Every step you make is progress. Be conscious of what you choose to toss away. What may be an afternoon pastime now, may later be seen as a wasted opportunity. An Aboriginal legend shares that the stones have worked for years to regain their place on the beach and by throwing it as far as the air will carry it back into the lake, we are forcing the stone to restart its journey. Each stone is different. Some we will want to collect, and some will be perfect for building into something new. Be sure that the ones you are skipping away will not be missed later on. Each stone has been placed in your path with divine intention. Trust that the perfect skipping stones are calling for you and they will find you, as you will find them. Put the special ones in your pocket to remind you of what you really want and allow the opportunity that does not serve your path to find the soul who will match its purpose. Honor how far you have come on your journey!
Chakras to work with: Sacral and Throat, It is time to be in balance and to bring play into your truth. Choose what reflects who you really are and allow the element of water to bring you peace and abundance.
Affirmations to work with: The mistakes in my life were on purpose. Opportunities in life skip my way joyously. I trust that I know what I really want, and that it is waiting for me to pick it up.
Sam Black is an International Psychic Medium and Master Coach, with a passion for helping others find the gems that they have inside so that they can shine them to the world! In 2013, Sam was hit by an impaired driver and due to a brain injury was not able to return to the career that she loved. With a deep knowing that she was meant to live her life to the fullest, Sam embarked on her healing journey, living her true purpose of helping others. Sam is the Creator of the Grounded Roots Intuitive Guidance Deck and Consciously Creating with Sam Black and is the host of Soul Full Connections with Sam Black Podcast.