by Sam Black
Great Protector – You have been placed with the ability to stand up for those who need help and at times this protection has moved you off course. You find that others come to you with their struggles, expecting you to resolve their issues but it is important that they understand you can not do the work for them. You have insight of how to help during those in times of difficulty and at times are feeling alone in their defence. Be sure to ask for an energetic exchange. Even those in need of protecting and those in pain have gifts to offer in return. To not allow for payment places you in a position of power and that power imbalance not only victimizes those you wish to help, but also prevents you from receiving assistance when you need it most. Be sure not to isolate yourself and balance your world by seeking those who just enjoy your company. Advocate for yourself and others from that space of love and use your voice and influence for the highest good.
Chakras to work with: The root chakra to feel grounded and safe. The solar plexus chakra to help you with balance in relationships and staying in the role of helper rather than fixer. The throat chakra, to help you with always finding your voice.
Stones to work with: Red Jasper and Black Tourmaline for grounding. Sunstone and Selenite for healthy boundaries and raising vibration. Angelite and rose quartz for gentle wisdom and communication.
Sam Black is an International Psychic Medium and Master Coach, with a passion for helping others find the gems that they have inside so that they can shine them to the world! In 2013, Sam was hit by an impaired driver and due to a brain injury was not able to return to the career that she loved. With a deep knowing that she was meant to live her life to the fullest, Sam embarked on her healing journey, living her true purpose of helping others. Sam is the Creator of the Grounded Roots Intuitive Guidance Deck and Consciously Creating with Sam Black and is the host of Soul Full Connections with Sam Black Podcast.