by Sam Black
It is time to shift your balancing act to a new perspective. You are ready to put some of those balls down and instead focus on balancing responsibility with fun and play. Allow your feet to dance, your heart to sing and your eyes to capture the beauty in nature! By embracing movement and play in to your every day you will be boosting your creativity and productivity to a new level. Remember that dancing is always better with a partner to share it with. Allow someone else to lead sometimes and just enjoy the magic that follows! You are not in this on your own, even if you do not yet know the steps or if this is a partner you have never danced with before, your bodies will respond to the rhythm and make your dance unique.
Chakras to work with: Sacral and Heart; move in rhythm and harmony with yourself and others
Affirmations to Work with: I move in flow with the universe and mother nature. I dance the tango of life, allowing the music of the universe to guide my steps effortlessly. I am in balance.
Sam Black is an International Psychic Medium and Master Coach, with a passion for helping others find the gems that they have inside so that they can shine them to the world!