Healthy Living

Life Lessons Learned From a TBI

By Amy Zellmer, Editor-in-chief Contact. It seems so simple, yet it's so critical to our daily lives. Even introverts and people with agoraphobia still need contact whether in-person, over the phone, or on a Zoom call. Those of us...

Yoga: Warrior 1

Yoga: Warrior 1

Yoga is a powerful tool for recovery after brain injury. Contrary to some beliefs, everyone can do yoga — you don't need to be super flexible, have great balance, or even be able to stand up. The beauty of yoga...

Any Form of Abuse is an Act of Violence

Any Form of Abuse is an Act of Violence

by Kelly Harrigan During a once-in-a-century pandemic, we are told we are safer at home. Yet “home” is all too often the place where abuse occurs, be it physical, emotional, psychological, or an ugly combination of all forms of...

3 Powerful Rose Quartz Blessings

3 Powerful Rose Quartz Blessings

By Kristen Brown When life gets hard, you’re feeling lost or alone, or there is a challenge with a relationship, there is nothing like Rose Quartz to give you a lift. It’s a powerful stone for self-love, self-esteem, connection,...

Essential Oils: Rose

Essential Oils: Rose

By Amy Zellmer, Editor-in-chief Essential oils are a complementary tool that can help you achieve a healthy lifestyle. They are easy to use, smell great, and are versatile. All oils are not created equal. Young Living is the only...

Life Lessons Learned from a TBI

Life Lessons Learned from a TBI

Amy Zellmer, Editor-in-chief Many of us will agree that 2020 has been a crummy year for a plethora of reasons, and we are all hoping that 2021 will mark a new beginning. For me, I lost my beloved Pixxie...

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