Tag: pcs

The Magic of Magnesium

by Kati Winter Enzymes make a lot of magic happen in the human body, so mindfulness around daily intake is important. Vitamins and minerals are critical nutrient co-factors for enzyme production, with magnesium being of particular interest. It’s involved in more than 300 different enzymatic reactions including energy production, muscle ...

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By Sue Wilson, MA, ATC/L, PES, CHHC Many different factors affect the everyday function of the brain. Research has shown that dehydration has several negative neurological and psychological effects. But did you know that hydration is critical to brain function? That’s one more reason to make proper hydration a daily ...

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Understanding Dysautonomia

by James Heuer Dysautonomia refers to a varied range of conditions that affect the autonomic nervous system (ANS) function. The ANS controls breathing, heart rate, keeps blood pressure steady and many other body functions.  There are roughly fifteen types of Dysautonomia but no single treatment that addresses all the different ...

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