by Sam Black
The eclipse is a gift, one that does not come to us every day. It is important to not stare so long at the beauty that you become blinded. Some things are meant to come in to our lives as special events to be cherished and greeted only on rare occasions as to not overshadow the magic in every day life. Allow yourself to shine or to stand in the shadows, as both fill our soul if for the right reason. Where there is darkness, there is also light. Your light will peek through even in the darkest of days. You are being called to reflect and take pause as needed, and to go back to correct what could have gone better. Be open to new partners in healing and explore now what you were not ready for before!
Chakras to work with: Throat and Third eye and Crown; Allow your truth to be open and sing to the universe where it was once stuck in the past!
Affirmations to work with: My existance is a rare event worthy of celebration and interest! I stand in the light and the shadow, free of judgement and full of love. Taking a break and pause is so productive for me!
Sam Black is an International Psychic Medium and Master Coach, with a passion for helping others find the gems that they have inside so that they can shine them to the world!