Tag: recovery

New Beginnings

By Amy Zellmer, Editor-in-Chief It’s a new year, a new start, and maybe even a new shift in your mindset. January 1st marks the beginning of a new year, a new chapter of your life, and possibly a new chapter in your recovery. This issue is all about Hormones, and ...

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Yoga: Seated Twist

By Amy Zellmer, Editor-in-chief Yoga is a powerful tool for recovery after brain injury. Contrary to some beliefs, everyone can do yoga — you don’t need to be super flexible, have great balance, or even be able to stand up. The beauty of yoga is that every pose can be ...

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From the Editor

Can you believe summer is half over already? As we slowly begin to return to our first sense of normalcy since the pandemic began, it’s important to acknowledge the fact we all managed to survive a year and a half of isolation and disrupted life — Way to be resilient! ...

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Yoga: Warrior III

by Amy Zellmer, Editor-in-chief Yoga is a powerful tool for recovery after brain injury. Contrary to some beliefs, everyone can do yoga — you don’t need to be super flexible, have great balance, or even be able to stand up. The beauty of yoga is that every pose can be ...

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Never Give Up Hope

Article and photos by Amy Zellmer, Editor-in-chief In June 2009, Kate D’Orazio flew to Mississippi to visit her husband, who was at Air Force Reserves training. After an evening of dining out and celebrating their time together, her husband found her on the floor of their room. She was unconscious ...

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